dynamic logo of I'm in passive houses, wooden houses, for the planet

Pay with Bitcoins or Litecoins

We are no ordinary company.

Do you need financing?

Indeed, we are not an ordinary company, we are an extraordinary company and as such, we not only put our seed to encourage through our style in the construction of low energy consumption housing, but we also offer the way to pay a part of the construction of your house with Bitcoin or Litecoin.
Litecoin logo

Times are tough for everyone. Maybe even more for you.
A financial help can make a difference.
Pay a part of the fees and/or the work in Bitcoins or Litecoins.

If you need more information, you can email us at hello@iminfortheplanet.com and Jordi will answer you directly.


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Are you interested in building a passive house out of wood?
We would love to talk to you

let's start with a video call